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7 Ways to Break Your Smartphone Addiction

By Samy Felice 

A smartphone, in the glove of your pocket or a couple of meters away from your view, doesn’t just lie between you and your peace of mind, focus, and awareness. It also lies between you and which
direction you go.

Because more time spent in front of your screen’s phone means less time doing what you truly want to do in life. By implementing the steps below, I was able to cut the amount of time I spend in front of my smartphone by half and radically improve my peace of mind and productivity.

1. Don’t use your phone as an alarm clock.
Many of us habitually use our phone first thing in the morning. Doing so means we start our day with other people’s agendas instead of our own.

2. Put your phone on flight mode every night, ideally at the same time.
You’ll avoid getting your sleep interrupted, and you’ll be less tempted to go on the Internet first thing in the morning if it’s already in flight mode. That means better rest and a calmer morning.

3. Turn off your phone for a full day once per week.
Taking a weekly day off from my phone has been a blessing for me. It’s made me realize that my smartphone is just a tool, and not something that I need to hold on to 24/7. It’s helped give me that distance between myself and my phone.

4. Use a time tracking app to see how much time you spend looking at your smartphone every week.
On Android, consider TimeUsed on the Play Store. On iPhone, consider Moment. Once you see how your smartphone easily eats up your time, you’ll realize that all those little checks take up a good part of your day.

5. Disable the apps you don’t use.
Only keep the social media apps you truly enjoy and get rid of the rest. For instance, I don’t have Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook installed on my phone, but I have WhatsApp and Snapchat. Figure out what works for you.

6. Disable email on your phone.
And if you’re seriously addicted, consider disabling the Internet browser as well. Taking email off my phone has been so relieving for me. You can use PackageDisabler Pro on Android to disable the stock browser. Otherwise, uninstalling your favorite browser might just work.

7. Remember that when you use your smartphone with a purpose in mind before you unlock it, then you’re using it for the right reason.

Try to be conscious of whether you reach your phone out a need to feel comforted, or because you have an intention. This will radically change often you check your phone.

Imagine a movie where the main character constantly checks his smartphone. A distracted character wouldn’t make much of a hero.

What’s to say you’re not the main character of your life?

Break the habit, and start using your smartphone to your life’s advantage.


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