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The Litter Box

Note: The following quote doesn't really belong here, since the intention of The Litter Box is to collect verbal waste. I've included it because of the way it simply and clearly speaks to the inconvenient truth America needs to face in order to heal its divisions.

"For certain privileged demographic groups, it is incredibly uncomfortable to admit that racism, nationalism and xenophobia are ingrained in Americanism. Admitting that would unravel the “American Dream” – the fictitious belief promulgated by both Republicans and Democrats that every single person who proudly wraps him or herself in the American flag receives an equal shot in society."
--Dr. José Andrés Araiza

"That was some weird shit."
--Former President George W. Busch on Donald Trump's Inaugural Address

'It's important to be honest and truthful with your constituents. At the end of the day, we represent them."
-- U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes, (R) CA. Chairman of House Intelligence Committee

"Go with our plan. It's going to be terrific."
--Donald Trump

"The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."
--Rush Limbaugh

"I'm more of a man than any liberal."
--Ann Coulter

"Suggesting, actually lying in suggestions to the world that we were wrong to prove that we would eradicate evil in World War II. That America was wrong to respond to unprovoked deadly attacks on Pearl Harbor."
– Sarah Palin on Obama's speech at Hiroshima Peace Memorial

"This opens the door with all kinds of issues with men deciding one day they want to be women and then switching back the next day."
– Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, on Obama directive allowing transgender students to choose which bathroom to use

"You can kiss your guns goodbye...If she could, Hillary would ban every gun, destroy every magazine...and put your name on a government registration list."
-- NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre

"For seven and a half years, this animal we call president -- because he is an animal, okay? -- has surgically and with thought and very smart, intelligent manner, destroyed this country and dismantled the military..."
– Carlos Beruff, FL candidate for the U.S. Senate, referring to President Obama

"Changing America's ethnicity changes the idea of America."
– Ann Coulter

"Even if Donald Trump dresses up as Hillary Clinton, he still can't go to the girl's bathroom."
– Sen. Ted Cruz

"I see plenty of people that die every day in hospitals and they have insurance. And they're in the hospital. But they still die."
– Idaho Gov. Butch Otter, defending not pursuing the state's option to expand Medicaid coverage


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