Ann 3:16 - For Ann so loved the conservative cause, she gave her misbegotten soul, so that whosoever believes shall never feel guilty about uttering eternally damnable inanities. Ann Coulter, who compares herself to Jesus Christ in that her divisiveness mirrors his divisiveness, believes God is using Donald Trump to save the the civilized world from destruction. “We are talking about the future of not only of America but of the last genuinely Christian country on earth and thus the world,” she said. “If we lose America, it is lights out for the entire world for a thousand years.” Ah yes, the return of the thousand year Reich. “Unless Donald Trump is elected, we’re never going to have another Republican president,” Coulter added, warning that having another Democrat in the White House would mean that “it’s over” and “the country is finished” because there will be a “Supreme Court of nine Ruth Bader Ginsburgs.” Not sure if the problem is with Ginsburg bei...