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Showing posts from 2016

Hitler Learns His Supply of "Preparation H" Is Missing (Video)

What really happened the last days in the "Bunker" is revealed.

George Carlin Explains How the System is Rigged | Video

George Carlin was more than just a comedian - he was an insightful social/political commentator as is demonstrated here. In this monologue from eight years ago, no punches are pulled, no sacred cows are exempt when he reveals the truth about the America we presently live in.

9 Uses For Hemp You Won’t Learn From Mainstream Media

Hemp is one of the most versatile (and longest cultivated) crops on the planet and can be used for a variety of practical and economical uses. According to some sources, the crop is humanity’s answer to eliminating smog from current fuels, creating a cleaner energy source that can replace nuclear power, remove radioactive water from the soil, and eliminate smog from skies in industrialized areas. In addition, nationwide hemp production could eliminate deforestation by converting current paper to hemp paper which can be recycled up to 8 times. Compare this to wood pulp, which is recyclable up to 3 times. Finally, hemp seeds are incredibly nutritious and can even serve as a suitable feed for animals and livestock. Read more >

How to Get Those Pesky Guns Out of Your Portfolio

Wonder where your retirement funds are tonight?  Are you one of the many who fear they may be hanging out with friends of the NRA and it's cretin-in-charge, Wayne LaPierre? Well now there's website with an easy way to find out. Easily check if your retirement funds are invested in the gun related industries — from manufacturers like Smith & Wesson to retailers like Walmart, the largest firearms sellers in the U.S. Just plug in the name of the fund and the site will tell you in seconds what percentage of the fund is invested in stocks tied to weapons. Then the click of a button finds other comparable funds that don’t invest in any gun stocks. OK Mr./Ms. Socially Conscious - no more excuses. Put your money where your heart is! Check it out here .

Big Tobacco is Proud to Support the Mentally Ill

Want more proof that nothing is out of bounds for tobacco companies in carrying out their profitable mission to push "nicotine delivery systems" any way they can? Consider this - Did you know mentally ill adults smoke one third of all cigarettes in the US? It's true, and it didn't come about just by accident. In 2007 Big Tobacco was forced to admit that starting in the 1950s it had targeted mentally ill people with bogus scientific evidence and free cigarettes. Two whopping lies were used to convince vulnerable people, their families and even the medical profession that smoking cigarettes was a good idea. It was claimed: Smoking relieves the symptoms of psychosis, depression and anxiety. Mentally ill people have special immunity to tobacco-related disease. These unbelievably cynical fabrications were pushed so aggressively by cigarette-makers that many customers/victims still believe them and suffer the effects. But that's not all we have to off...

Conservatives Rejoice! Ann Coulter's Soul Died for Your Sins

Ann 3:16 -  For Ann so loved the conservative cause, she gave her misbegotten soul, so that whosoever believes shall never feel guilty about uttering eternally damnable inanities. Ann Coulter, who compares herself to Jesus Christ in that her divisiveness mirrors his divisiveness, believes God is using Donald Trump to save the the civilized world from destruction. “We are talking about the future of not only of America but of the last genuinely Christian country on earth and thus the world,” she said. “If we lose America, it is lights out for the entire world for a thousand years.” Ah yes, the return of the thousand year Reich. “Unless Donald Trump is elected, we’re never going to have another Republican president,” Coulter added, warning that having another Democrat in the White House would mean that “it’s over” and “the country is finished” because there will be a “Supreme Court of nine Ruth Bader Ginsburgs.”  Not sure if the problem is with Ginsburg bei...

Guns Allowed in Mississippi Churches - WWJS?

On April 5th, by a count of 85-35, the Mississippi state House of Representatives voted to allow some members of some churches to carry guns inside "houses of worship". While the chosen ones are supposed to undergo training, they will not need to worry about carrying a permit for holstered weapons. Can we get a Hallelujah! Now, if only there were a Bible verse to offer guidance about what kind and style of gun The Lord would prefer.

After You Die: Burial, Cremation or Composting?

RIP: American Idol Was Never About the "Idol"

American Idol, the long-running TV show that took advantage of the insatiable adolescent craving for attention, fame and fortune, has at last been laid to rest. It certainly wasn't the first of its kind. Less ostentatious versions have been around for a long time - even before there were televisions. What made this iteration different was its breadth and scope - scouring the country for fledgling talent in a tournament-like elimination competition. It was a huge success. Millions watched as thousands responded to auditions in cities all over the country, and some very good performers were actually discovered. So what's the problem? Simply this - instant fame is rarely a good thing. We see it over and over with teenage athletes who become millionaires overnight, and lottery winners who have no idea how to handle their windfall. The show was promoted as a showcase for undiscovered talent. The producers were cast as benefactors, talent scouts seeking out those who deser...

Long as You Buy, Big Food Doesn't Care If You Live or Die

You know those commercials and ads that show how much the food industries care about your well being? The ones where happy and healthy families are laughing and having a good time while consuming generous quantities of the company's latest "wholesome" invention?  Bullshit! Pure propaganda! Don't believe a word of it. The agriculture, dairy and food industries only care about making money - as much as they can - at the expense of the customer's physical, emotional and spiritual health. Your health and happiness are of no concern, despite all those feel-good images of vibrant revelers. We've seen the warnings about mercury in tuna, wood pulp in Parmesan cheese, ground beef treated with ammonia to retard E. coli. These are examples of how the media exposes some of the dangerous and deceptive practices of Big Food. The problem is, the public assumes corrective measures will be taken once an issue is exposed - and that's just fine with Big Food...

"Christian Patriots" Open Gun Store In Ohio Mall

Watch out, Ohioans! The Oath Keepers are opening a store in a mall near YOU! The Sentinel-Tribune reports that a store has been leased in a mall to sell survivalist gear, and presumably the Oath Keepers' message of good Christian cheer. According to Michelle Beaverson of the Woodland Mall, three people signed the outpost's lease. She…

Periods for Pence: Women Share Private Info With Gov'nor

Periods for Pence: Woman invites governor to gyno appointment Women are standing up to Indiana's anti-abortion governor. One woman invited Gov. Mike Pence to her gynecologist appointment. Another provided an update on her cramps. Another tweeted that she had just changed her tampon. The social media missives directed to Indiana's governor this week have been frequent, pointed and unyielding in their descriptions of female physiology.…